Friends & Whanau
Matipo Friends and Whanau is a voluntary group of parents and caregivers that support the school on many levels – from helping out at events for both students and parents, fundraisers, as well as coming up with new activities and events our school and community can get involved in. Always at the heart of this group is the commitment to our kids, our school and the wider Matipo School community.
A smaller group of parents, caregivers and staff form the Matipo Friends and Whanau committee which coordinates the events; but a wider group of volunteers from the school community make up the extended team that helps implement them.
Becoming involved with Matipo Friends and Whanau is a great way to support and connect with the school. We welcome all levels of involvement – if you’re keen to join the committee (it would be great to have a few additional people!), or if you think you might be able to help out at any event (always need a few extra people on the BBQ!) we’d love to hear from you. It might only be for one event a year, or you may wish to get more involved throughout the year – the more the merrier.
We’d also love to hear from anyone who has a great idea for an event or activity Matipo Friends and Whanau could look at taking on.
If you’d like to get involved, please sent a note to MFAW –