• Return to School Plan 2021

    Kia ora e te whanau o Matipo, Please find update communication from our Tumuki – Matua Jonnie Black […]

  • Out of zone ballot closing….

    Matipo Primary School – Out of Zone applications is now open Matipo Road School is governed by an […]

  • Alert Level 3, February 2021

    14th February 2021 Tena Koutou katoa e te Whānau,  As you will now be aware the government made […]

  • 2021 School Term Dates

    2021 School Dates Wednesday 3rd February – Term one starts – Powhiri starts at 9:15am Friday 16th April […]

  • Maths Week 2020

    Today each class estimated how many netball goals Matua Jonnie could shoot in one minute. Lots of children […]

  • Hakka Chef Visit

    This week we welcomed two Taiwanese Hakka celebrity chefs who taught our Mandarin Enrichment Class and Garden to […]

  • Te Atatu Cultural Festival

    On Wednesday 31st July our cultural performance groups attended the Te Atatu Cultural Festival at Rutherford Primary. Miss […]

  • Matariki Disco

    Moves were busted and fun was had by all.  The music was bumping and the sausages were hot. […]

  • Book Week 2019

    Book Week As Dr Seuss said,  “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The […]

  • Mathathon 2019

    Wow! What a fabulous Mathathon we had this year. All together our children brought in over $19000 – […]

  • House Hui

    On Friday all of our houses had a fun hui (meeting) together to celebrate the end of term. […]

  • Aroha Kaitiakitanga Day

    On the last day of term the Aroha Team spent half an hour caring for our Matipo environment. […]