14th February 2021

Tena Koutou katoa e te Whānau, 

As you will now be aware the government made the decision this evening to move Auckland to Alert Level 3. As a result, the whole of Auckland will move from Alert Level 1 to Alert Level 3 for the next 72 hours from midnight tonight. Until midnight Wednesday 17th February. 


Matipo Primary School will remain open for supervision for families where both parents cannot work from home. If you are a family that requires supervision of your child/ren during level 3 please email office@matipo.school.nz.


There will be no online learning on Monday 15th February, our staff will plan for online learning tomorrow (15/02/2021) for all children whether they are at school or home, the task set will be the same for both groups. As always, your family’s wellbeing and mental health is the key focus during this time.  How you choose for your child to engage or not engage is your decision and right as a parent or guardian. 


Please remember we are able to be contacted to support you and your family. Teachers will be able to answer emails during school hours, all senior leaders and teachers are more than happy to call if you need any extra support. 


COVID-19 continues to be a factor we need to consider, and I assure you we have a robust plan and will do everything we need to for your children and your wider family and whānau.


We’ve been here before and we can do it again, our children have shown they are resilient and confidently managed the return to school after the first lockdown. You, as caregivers, are innovative and creative and any interactions you have with your children are learning opportunities (baking, gardening, drawing, hanging the washing, walks, footie in the backyard etc). Matipo is a community and in a way we’re our own big bubble here to support each other online.


Kia Kaha, Kia Maia, Kia Manawanui, he waka eke noa (Be strong, be brave, be steadfast. we’re all in this together)


Nga Mihi Mahana, 

Matua Jonnie Black

Tumuaki – Principal